Hormone Testing
Hormone levels can have a huge impact on your health! These hormones include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and cortisol. Hormone testing is often important when hormonal symptoms are occurring or we are using Hormone Replacement Therapy as a treatment option. Obtaining the details of hormonal levels helps to guide treatment and ensure your health and safety.
Hormones can be tested through bloodwork and this is usually recommended by conventional practitioners. I also have access to salivary and urinary hormone tests but to be honest, I don’t use them often – they’re expensive, the results aren’t always reliable and the outcome doesn’t usually change what I’m going to recommend for you. I don’t like spending your money unnecessarily!

Common symptoms that may be related to hormones include
· Menstrual cramping
· Fibrocystic breasts
· Low libido
· Ovarian cysts
· Menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness)
· Depression
· Anxiety
· Fatigue
· Brain fog
· Hair changes (thinning hair, hair loss, hair growth)
· Weight gain or difficulty losing weight (especially around the midsection)
Your hormones can be related to many different symptoms and regulating them can make a huge difference in your health. The more information we have, the more accurately and efficiently we can balance your hormones. You can take control of your hormones and overall health today!